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Military personnel face unique and often severe stressors throughout their careers. From combat deployments to the challenges of adjusting to civilian life, these experiences can significantly impact their mental health. It’s often assumed that “resilience” is the key to navigating these challenges and maintaining well-being. But is this truly the case?

A Closer Look at Resilience

Resilience is often described as the ability to bounce back from adversity. In the military context, it’s seen as crucial for coping with stress, maintaining performance, and preventing mental health issues like PTSD, depression, and anxiety.

What Does the Research Say about Resilience?

A recent systematic review examined the relationship between psychological resilience and various mental health and functioning outcomes in military personnel. While some studies have shown a link, the overall finding were surprising.

The Importance of Comprehensive Support

While resilience can be a valuable asset, it’s crucial to recognize that it’s not a magic bullet. A comprehensive approach to supporting the mental health of military personnel is essential. This includes:


The findings of this review challenge the simplistic notion that resilience alone is sufficient to protect the military personnel from mental health challenges. A more nuanced understanding of the factors that contribute to mental health and well-being is crucial. By prioritizing comprehensive support systems, we can belter support the mental health and overall well-being of our military personnel.

For the best EMDR, CBT, and DBT therapy services, turn to Dr. Sara C. She is a highly rated telehealth therapist serving Newport Beach, CA; Beverly Hills, CA; San Diego, CA; Portland, OR; Jacksonville, OR; Dallas, TX; and Houston, TX. Experience exceptional therapy in California, Texas, and Oregon.

In case of a mental health emergency, please call 911 or seek immediate professional help.


Van Der Meulen, E., Van Der Velden, P. G., Van Aert, R. C., & Van Veldhoven, M. J. (2020). Longitudinal associations of psychological resilience with mental health and functioning among military personnel: A meta-analysis of prospective studies. Social Science & Medicine, 255, 112814.